Quantum Foundry
Undergraduate Research Internships
Program Dates: June 23 - August 15, 2025
Application Deadline: Sunday, February 9, 2025, 11:59pm
Required Application Materials: Eligibility Requirements:
  1. Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at a community college or 4-year institution.
  2. Must be at least 18 years of age by June 23, 2025 and not enrolled in high school at the time of application.
  3. A US citizen or permanent resident.
  4. Majoring or intends to major in science, engineering, or mathematics.
  5. Has satisfied the following course/unit requirements: (1 semester unit = 1.5 quarter units).
    • Completed or currently enrolled in a minimum of 4 semester units of Calculus.
    • Completed a minimum of 12 semester units in science and/or engineering courses.
Please note: Students who have already completed a bachelor's degree in any field are NOT eligible to apply.

This first page is your application. It must be filled out completely. You must have the names and emails of 1-2 people who will write you a recommendation. They will be automatically contacted when you submit this form and given a link for submitting your recommendation. You will not be able to save a partial application and return to it later. After submitting, you will be directed to a new page where you can view the status of your application materials and provide your short responses, CV/resume, and upload your unofficial transcripts. Transcript files must be PDFs smaller than 5MB each.

Please avoid using autofill, as it can erroneously fill in fields.

Applicant Type
What type of school are you currently enrolled in?
Community College
4-Year College/University

CSEP Data Portal
Developed and Maintained by the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships