AI Institute for Agent-based Cyber Threat Intelligence and Operation
Summer Internship for Graduate Students
Program Dates: June 22 - August 15, 2025
Application Deadline: Sunday, February 16, 2025, 11:59pm
Required Application Materials: Eligibility Requirements: Depending on the internship site, participants will receive either 8 weeks of lodging at university-owned dorms or a flat stipend for rent. Participants will also receive a stipend of $7,500 for subsistence and placement in an ACTION-related lab. Participants must provide their own transportation to and from their internship site. Applications might be considered for additional opportunities to join labs at partner institutions.

This first page is your application. It must be filled out completely. You will not be able to save a partial application and return to it later. After submitting, you will be directed to a new page where you can submit the rest of your required application materials. Your application will not be considered unless all of the required application materials are submitted by the deadline.

Please avoid using autofill, as it can erroneously fill in fields.

Student Information
First Name Last Name Birthdate
School Email
Personal Email - One that you will always have regardless of where you study or work Cell Phone - Make sure it is one where we can always reach you
- -
Current Local Contact Information
Address City State Zip
Permanent Contact Information
Address City State Zip
Current School
Name of School City
US State/Territory Advisor First Name Advisor Last Name Year in Graduate School

Degree Objective

Site Preferences
The ACTION Institute hosts summer internship opportunities at the universities listed below. Please select which one(s) you would be interested in for your experience. You may select as many as you like. Selecting more universities may increase the chances you are selected, but you need to be willing and able to go to any university you select.
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
Norfolk State, Norfolk, VA
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Additional Information
How did you hear about ACTION?
Club or Organization
From a recruitment presentation
From my professor
Poster on campus
Social Media
Demographic Information
Continued funding for our programs depends on our ability to provide complete and accurate demographic information for reporting purposes to funding agencies. Your name will not be associated with your responses when reporting this information externally.

Which of the following represents your status in the US?
I am a US citizen
I am a US permanent resident
I am an international student
None of the above

What is your gender identity?
I identify as:
Decline to state

Are you of Hispanic/Latinx origin?
Decline to state

Which of the following best describes your race? You may hover over each term for a definition. Select all that apply. For example, if you are of Hispanic/Latinx origin, you may be a mix of American Indian/Alaska Native as well as Caucasian. If you are not of Hispanic/Latinx origin, you may still be a mix of American Indian/Alaska Native as well as Caucasian. You may select "Unknown" if your race is unknown to you.
American Indian/Alaska Native Includes all indigenous people of North, Central, and South America

Asian Includes all indigenous people of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent

Black Includes all indigenous people of Africa

Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Includes all indigenous people of Pacific Islands, including Hawaii, Guam, Fiji, Philippines, Tonga, and Samoa

Caucasian Includes all indigenous people of Europe and Middle Eastern countries, including Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Unknown Your ancestry is unknown to you

Decline to state

What language(s) did you grow up speaking in your home?

Do you have any disabilities, defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities?
Decline to state

Are you a veteran of the US Armed Forces?
Decline to state

Which of the following programs have you ever participated in?
Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID)
California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
McNair Scholars Program
Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA)
I have not participated in any of the above programs.
Decline to state

Do you qualify for a free or reduced lunch?
Decline to state

Which of the following apply to you?

Are you from a single parent home?
Decline to state

Have you ever been in the foster care system?
Decline to state

Please provide the education level of the parents/guardians who you have lived with. You can enter up to 4 by clicking "Add another parent/guardian".
  1. Education Level of Parent/Guardian #1

Were you the first generation in your family to earn a bachelor's degree? (If your parents/guardians did not earn a bachelor's degree, then you are first-generation.)
Decline to state

Please go through your form and be sure it is completely and correctly filled out. Incomplete application forms cannot be submitted. You will know your form was successfully submitted if once you click "Continue", you are taken to your profile page where you can submit the rest of your application materials. All application materials must be submitted by the deadline for your application to be considered. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail with a copy of your application form. If you are not taken to your profile page, your application was not properly submitted. Please contact if you experience any technical issues with this application system. Please contact Tim Robinson ( for questions about the program.

CSEP Data Portal
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